There are Many Easy Ways to Help Allegro Flourish
Donations from members are always appreciated, yet there are also many low or no cost ways to help:
Subscribers – Donate your concert seats
If you will not be attending an upcoming concert for which you have tickets, please call to let us know or send us an email. We can return the seats to inventory and likely sell them. See Donate Concert Seats for more details.
Call: (817) 498 0363
Amazon Smile Donations
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to Allegro Guitar Society. Simply log on using and select Fort Worth Classic Guitar Society as your 501(c)(3) organization. Thereafter, logon to Amazon Smile to make purchases. This site is identical to the main site and uses your Amazon account.
Underwrite a School Program
Underwrite an outreach performance at your local school to help educate the next generation about classical guitar music. Even a modest amount will help compensate our performer and travel cost.
Present a Local Allegro Event Yourself
Maybe you are part of a special interest club that would enjoy an evening of entertainment for a modest contribution. Allegro will supply the guitarist. You can appeal to your guests to join Allegro as a subscribing or donating member.
Donate Valuable Items
Please contribute valuable items or services that can be auctioned at our fundraisers.
Champion the Society – Be an Ambassador!
Please tell your family and friends about the Allegro Guitar Society. Invite them to a concert as your personal guest. See Request Guest Seats. There is nothing quite like a beautiful guitar concert to show people the value of our Society. Also, please help us connect with influencers and patrons of the arts in your social and business networks.
Volunteer or join the Allegro staff
See Volunteer Opportunities See Staff Opportunities
Make Sure Allegro has your Contact Information
We promise to be careful and judicious about contacting you. Please help us keep your contact information up to date and check that your phone is not blocking us and our email is not diverted to a spam or junk folder. Please call or send your contact information:
Call: (817) 498 0363
Mail: Allegro Guitar Society, P. O. Box 821954, Fort Worth, Texas 76182-1954